Tuesday, June 27, 2006


The other day I was very surprised to get a blue blood donor card through the post. Apparently, you get one when you've donated 5 times. I'm quite pleased and blue is even my favourite colour. Batman's up to 25 donations - he would be. He's got the most useful type of blood (O) - he would, the ratbag :-)

Donations can be given every 16 weeks. That means I can next go end of September - just before flu season, so hopefully I'll manage it then.

Meanwhile, I'm in the throes of applying for a grant for drawings for an article. I can't do the article unless I get the grant, as the drawings will cost around £300. And that does make me feel blue. Should know fairly swiftly, as my man on the inside says they're meeting next Thursday. Fingers crossed.


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