Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Exercise books

When I was a young 'en I used to scribble my stories in school exercise books. The other day when I saw this sort of A6ish size school exercise books I had the urge to buy them and start scribbling. I sat on the urge, realising they wouldn't work with the way I write now. For one, I tend to type directly onto computer :-)

But yesterday I succumbed to a pack of cheap A4 size exercise books. They alternate between blank and lined pages. I thought I could use them for writing or perhaps planning (I have a vague rising urge to do this in preparation for NaNoWrimo), or for something else entirely.


At 11:14 am GMT, Blogger Diane said...

Oh, I LOVE exercise books, and open a set for every project. And I mean exercise-book sized.


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